Teams PowerShell datamining - August 2023

By Robert Dyjas on  • Edit this post

At the beginning of August Microsoft released the 5.5.0 version of the Microsoft Teams PowerShell module.

Release notes

The official release notes mention the following changes:

  • Releases New-CsTeamsHiddenTemplate cmdlet.

  • Releases [New|Get|Set|Remove]-CsTeamsTemplatePermissionPolicy cmdlets.

  • Adds a new paramater -IncludePhoneNumbers to Get-CsTenantNetworkSite.

  • [BREAKING CHANGE] Deprecates EnableShiftPresence parameter from TeamsShiftsPolicy.

  • Contains a new implementation of [Get|Set]-CsTeamsUpgradeConfiguration, [Get|Set|Remove|New]-CsTeamsComplianceRecordingPolicy, [Get|Set|Remove|New]-CsTeamsComplianceRecordingApplication, New-CsTeamsComplianceRecordingPairedApplication. Functionality remains the same as previous implementation.

However, there is more. Let's talk about them!

Custom prompts

The most mysterious feature comes first. We're getting custom prompts along with a custom prompt package. The cmdlets are:

  • New-CsCustomPrompt
  • New-CsCustomPromptPackage

For the custom prompt itself, we can set the following properties:

  • AudioPrompt
  • Id
  • Locale
  • Name
  • TextPrompt
  • Type

All the parameters accept strings. Only three of them are mandatory: Id, Type, and Locale.

The policy package contains the following properties:

  • Id
  • DefaultLocale
  • Name
  • InboundEndRecordingPrompt
  • InboundStartRecordingPrompt
  • MeetingEndRecordingPrompt
  • MeetingStartRecordingPrompt
  • OutboundEndRecordingPrompt
  • OutboundStartRecordingPrompt

Id, DefaultLocale, and Name accept string values. Recording prompt values accepts PSListModifier[string] type. From the documentation of PSListModifier, we will be able to supply multiple prompts for each type.

Unfortunately, we cannot test it yet. Both New-CsCustomPrompt and New-CsCustomPromptPackage cmdlets currently return the same error:

Could not find the resource "XsdClassGeneratorStringsResources.resources" among the resources "" embedded in the assembly "Microsoft.Teams.Policy.Administration.Cmdlets.Providers.PolicyRp", nor among the resources in any satellite assemblies for the specified culture. Perhaps the resources were embedded with an incorrect name.

The error returned by both cmdlets related to the custom prompt

Checklist for New-CsCustomPrompt:

  • ❌Documentation not available
  • ❌Not found via search engines (Google, Bing)
  • ❌Not found on GitHub
  • ❌No roadmap mention
  • ❌No Message Center mention

Checklist for New-CsCustomPromptPackage:

  • ❌Documentation not available
  • ❌Not found via search engines (Google, Bing)
  • ❌Not found on GitHub
  • ❌No roadmap mention
  • ❌No Message Center mention

Custom audio conferencing prompts

We get four new cmdlets containing custom prompts in their names:

  • Get-CsTeamsAudioConferencingCustomPromptsConfiguration
  • Set-CsTeamsAudioConferencingCustomPromptsConfiguration

The Set- cmdlet accepts:

  • Identity - mandatory, accepts a string
  • Packages - optional, accepts PSListModifier[CustomPromptPackage]
  • Prompts - optional, accepts PSListModifier[CustomPrompt]

Similar to custom prompt packages, we will be able to add multiple prompts using @{Add='Identifier'} method.

For now, both Get- and Set- cmdlets return an error:

Provided type TeamsAudioConferencingCustomPromptsConfiguration is not valid Please check your request parameters.

The error returned by both cmdlets related to the audio conferencing custom prompt configuration

Checklist for Get-CsTeamsAudioConferencingCustomPromptsConfiguration:

  • ❌Documentation not available
  • ❌Not found via search engines (Google, Bing)
  • ❌Not found on GitHub
  • ❌No roadmap mention
  • ❌No Message Center mention

Checklist for Set-CsTeamsAudioConferencingCustomPromptsConfiguration:

  • ❌Documentation not available
  • ❌Not found via search engines (Google, Bing)
  • ❌Not found on GitHub
  • ❌No roadmap mention
  • ❌No Message Center mention

Compliance recording policy

New-CsTeamsComplianceRecordingPolicy and Set-CsTeamsComplianceRecordingPolicy now have three new parameters:

  • CustomPromptsEnabled
  • CustomPromptsPackageId
  • RecordReroutedCalls

CustomPromptsEnabled and RecordReroutedCalls accepts a boolean value. They both default to false. Setting both parameters already work:

A screenshot showing both parameters can be changed

CustomPromptsPackageId accepts a string. We can assume it will need a package identifier from New-CsCustomPromptPackage. The default value is an empty string.

When trying to provide an identifier we get the same error message as for New-CsCustomPrompt and New-CsCustomPromptPackage:

Error when using CustomPromptsPackageId parameter

Checklist for CustomPromptsEnabled and CustomPromptsPackageId:

  • ❌Documentation not available
  • ❌Not found via search engines (Google, Bing)
  • ❌Not found on GitHub
  • ❌No roadmap mention
  • ❌No Message Center mention

Checklist for RecordReroutedCalls:

  • ✅Documentation updated
  • ❌No roadmap mention
  • ❌No Message Center mention

Events policy

New-CsTeamsEventsPolicy and Set-CsTeamsEventsPolicy now have three new parameters:

  • AllowedTownhallTypesForRecordingPublish
  • AllowedWebinarTypesForRecordingPublish
  • TownhallChatExperience

Get-CsTeamsEventsPolicy cmdlet already returns these parameters.

AllowedTownhallTypesForRecordingPublish and AllowedWebinarTypesForRecordingPublish both default to Everyone. They both accept the following values:

  • None
  • InviteOnly
  • EveryoneInCompanyIncludingGuests
  • Everyone

How can we check it? We can pass a random value and inspect the error:

Error message showing possible values

For TownhallChatExperience it is not that easy. It accepts any string value and does not return any error. However, it effectively does nothing:

Setting TownhallChatExperience does not work yet

In events policies, the word townhall refers to Live Events. That gives us some ideas. For webinars, we already know about on-demand recording (123052, MC661825). We will get similar functionality for Live Events, but it is not announced.

We will also get chat functionality in Live Events, which is big news. However, no details are available about the timeline or functional details.

Checklist for AllowedTownhallTypesForRecordingPublish:

  • ❌Documentation not available
  • ❌Not found via search engines (Google, Bing)
  • ❌Not found on GitHub
  • ❌No roadmap mention
  • ❌No Message Center mention

Checklist for AllowedWebinarTypesForRecordingPublish:

  • ❌Documentation not available
  • ✅Found via search engines (Google, Bing)
  • ❌Not found on GitHub
  • ✅Roadmap entry 123052
  • ✅Message Center entry MC661825 (non-admin mirror)

Checklist for TownhallChatExperience:

  • ❌Documentation not available
  • ❌Not found via search engines (Google, Bing)
  • ❌Not found on GitHub
  • ❌No roadmap mention
  • ❌No Message Center mention

Meeting policy

New-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy and Set-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy now have two new parameters:

  • AllowLocalRecording - accepts boolean value, defaults to false
  • ConnectToMeetingControls - accepts string, defaults to empty string

Get-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy cmdlet already returns these properties.

From the first parameter’s name, it might seem that we will have the option to store recordings locally. Zoom has a similar parameter in the SDK. I can see one big pro of local recordings - they will not expire. However, this Pull Request suggests that the parameter is for Microsoft internal use only.

The other property suggests connecting to meeting controls by something that does not natively belong to Teams. Is it for Elgato Steam Deck or for something else? We don’t know yet.

Checklist for AllowLocalRecording:

  • ❌Documentation not available
  • ❌Not found via search engines (Google, Bing)
  • ✅Pull Request found on GitHub
  • ❌No roadmap mention
  • ❌No Message Center mention

Checklist for ConnectToMeetingControls:

  • ❌Documentation not available
  • ❌Not found via search engines (Google, Bing)
  • ❌Nothing useful found on GitHub, only this issue
  • ❌No roadmap mention
  • ❌No Message Center mention

Shared calling routing policy

The routing policy for shared calling is a new type of policy introduced in the 5.5.0 release. The entire set of cmdlets is already available:

  • Get-CsTeamsSharedCallingRoutingPolicy
  • New-CsTeamsSharedCallingRoutingPolicy
  • Remove-CsTeamsSharedCallingRoutingPolicy
  • Set-CsTeamsSharedCallingRoutingPolicy
  • Grant-CsTeamsSharedCallingRoutingPolicy

Granting policy to a group is available with the -Group and -Rank parameters for Grant- cmdlet. The policy contains the following configurable parameters (via New- and Set-):

  • Description - accepts a string, defaults to an empty string
  • EmergencyNumbers - accepts PSListModifier[string], defaults to an empty object
  • Identity - required, accepts a string
  • ResourceAccount - required, accepts a string

Get-CsTeamsSharedCallingRoutingPolicy cmdlet already returns these parameters. However, seting or creating anything ends with our well-known error:

Error running any of the shared calling routing policy cmdlets

I found an announcement that might be related to this policy. Its title is Call delegation feature enhancements. It is described as the ability for delegates and delegators to join active calls, if permitted. Roadmap item 123753 and Message Center entry MC649047 (non-admin mirror) describe it quite well.

Checklist for shared calling routing policy:

  • ❌Documentation not available
  • ❌Not found via search engines (Google, Bing)
  • ❌Not found on GitHub
  • 🚨Possible roadmap mention: 123753
  • 🚨Possible Message Center entry MC649047 (non-admin mirror)

Voice applications policy

New-CsTeamsVoiceApplicationsPolicy and Set-CsTeamsVoiceApplicationsPolicy get three new parameters:

  • HistoricalAgentMetricsPermission
  • HistoricalAutoAttendantMetricsPermission
  • HistoricalCallQueueMetricsPermission

The default value for all three parameters is Disabled. The available values are:

  • Disabled
  • AuthorizedOnly
  • All

Get-CsTeamsVoiceApplicationsPolicy cmdlet already returns these parameters. Surprisingly, all the parameters are already described in the Manage voice applications policies for Microsoft Teams article.

Checklist for new parameters:

  • ✅Documentation already available

Network site ID

NetworkSiteID parameter is now available for Get-CsPhoneNumberAssignment and Set-CsPhoneNumberAssignment.

It is currently unknown what is the site identified for. Is it possible that the number assignment will be dynamic, based on the network?

Checklist for NetworkSiteID:

  • ❌Documentation not available
  • ❌Ambiguous results on search engines
  • ❌Ambiguous results on GitHub
  • ❌No roadmap mention
  • ❌No Message Center mention


Searching for this parameter is difficult as there are other cmdlets using it. Therefore, the checklist might be misleading.

Upgrade configuration

Set-CsTeamsUpgradeConfiguration gets one new parameter: BlockLegacyAuthorization. It accepts a boolean value. Its default value is false.

The parameter was already visible in Get-CsTeamsUpgradeConfiguration since May 2023. However, it is still unclear what it does.

There is plenty of articles on the web showing how to block legacy authentication (using Conditional Access). However, the parameter name is about authorization, which is a different topic.

Checklist for BlockLegacyAuthorization:

  • ❌Documentation not available
  • ❌Not found via search engines (Google, Bing)
  • ❌Not found on GitHub
  • ❌No roadmap mention
  • ❌No Message Center mention


Quite a long article, isn’t it? But that is because there were plenty of hidden features introduced in this version.

Which one do you find the most interesting? Let me know in the comments if you want!